Program 761 – Special LinkedIn Series
Iris Culp is the Principal at IC Growth, a marketing consulting and business growth firm. She has more than a decade of marketing experience and has helped clients double their top line revenue in less than 24 months. Prior to the current focus of marketing strategies for solopreneurs & micro-business owners, she worked professionally as a writer, as well as 20+ years in HR and organizational development.
Iris worked in HR leadership roles at American Airlines, Sabre where she led several nationwide initiatives. She earned a master’s degree in adult education and holds multiple HR certifications. Additionally is an authorized partner for Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team ®, and a certified Everything DiSC ® facilitator for leadership and sales.
Currently her firm, IC Growth, is focused on helping small business owners leverage the power of LinkedIn to organically grow for a consistent and full sales pipeline. She has developed a signature program in that space titled, “LinkedIn for Business: 6 Weeks from Questions to Confidence”.
She describes herself as a “creative analytic” who loves research and data and blends that with a creative twist. She finds it particularly fun to support entrepreneurs who happen to be “fellow introverts” “find an authentic way to tell their own story” and find their ideal audience. In her spare time, she loves to dig in her flower garden, create landscapes, ride motorcycles, and read.
Click here to connect with Iris on LinkedIn.