Thank you for your interest in appearing on The Business Power Hour on C-Suite Radio. Please keep in mind that the program focuses on business topics and tools. Please complete the form on this page to start the process.
NOTE: We place a priority on personal connections and those submissions will be given preferential scheduling. If you are a broker or publicity/PR firm, we welcome your submissions and they will be placed on a wait-list and scheduled when time is available.
Once you submit your request, it will be reviewed and you will be contacted regarding your request. Due to the high number of interview request submissions, we cannot accommodate all guests.
Every program is pre-recorded at a date and time mutually convenient for guest and Deb. All programs are recorded via Zoom and are audio AND video.
Every interview lasts a full hour. New programs are posted every Monday and Thursday, at 11:00 (Eastern time).
While it is acceptable for guests to promote their own products or services during the interview, please note that this program is informational in nature and Deb will direct the interview toward providing information, rather than simply selling a guest’s product or service.
All information MUST be provided in its entirety for consideration. Starred (*) items are required.