Program 146
Anthonette Klinkerman designed Courtesy Bootcamp™ after teaching etiquette lessons to middle schoolers. She discovered a much-needed niche for a society that prefers everything to be in one-hour “boot camp” formats. The reception for Courtesy Bootcamp™ has been overwhelmingly positive, and one of her first year clients earned a national award in a Human Resources Best of the Best competition.
Anthonette was born in San Diego, California, and transplanted in Colorado. She is a public speaker, author, Veteran public school educator, and self-proclaimed “Civility Engineer”. She is married to a fellow teacher, and has one daughter. Her hobbies include writing, reading, and golfing, as well as baking, hiking, and exercising, though not necessarily in that order.
Click here to purchase Courtesy Bootcamp: A not-so-gentle reminder to live by The Golden Rule.